I am thrilled about the publication of three new reviews of my recent monograph, Paik’s Virtual Archive: Time, Change and Materiality in Media Art (University of California Press, 2017) in the Kunstchronik (by Anna Schäffler, January 2020, in German), Visual Studies (by Daniel Kayes, November 2019, in English) and in the Journal of the American Institute for Conservation (by Jonathan Kemp, October 2019, in English). At an earlier stage, the book has been also endorsed by scholars of media and critical studies, and art history as well as media artists – see the “book” section of this website. These endorsements as well as the reviews published in 2018–Andrea Gyorody’s review in caa.review (2018) and Gregory Zinmann’s review in Art Bulletin (2018)–form an invaluable body of critical reflection on the book’s imperatives and aims, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank their authors for their time, thoughtfulness and intellect.