The anthology of essays, titled The Explicit Material: On the Intersection of Curatorial and Conservation Cultures, has just arrived in hardcover, solidly and beautifully done! Many thanks to Brill Publishers!
I wish to thank the series editor, Ann-Sophie Lehmann, my amazing co-editors Francesca Bewer and Katharina Ammann, Brill editors and our brilliant authors and contributors to the volume, in alphabetical order: Katharina Ammann, Francesca Bewer, Judit Bodor, Thea Burns, Birgit Cleppe, Paul Eggert, David Lowenthal, Jorge Otero-Pailos, Elisabeth Pye, Dawn Rogala, and Anna Schäffler.
Big thanks to Com&Com (Johannes M Hedinger / Marcus Gossolt) for allowing us to use their work Baum (Tree), 2010, for the cover!
Please spread the word and order for your libraries!