AIC The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
ARTECHNE Technique in the Arts, 1500-1950
BGC Bard Graduate Center, Cultures of Conservation | New York
CSCA Center for the Study of Contemporary Art | UCL London
GCI The Getty Conservation Institute | Los Angeles
GRI The Getty Research Institute | Los Angeles
IAS Institute of Advanced Studies | UCL London
ILEA Institute for Land and Environmental Art | Tenna Switzerland
ICOM-CC International Council of Museums-Committee for Conservation
ICON Institute for Conservation | London
IIC International Institute for Conservation
INCCA International Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art The Netherlands
MEF Media in the Expanded Field Casa Wabi | Mexico
MPIWG Max Planck Institute for the History of Science | Berlin
PCMK Performance: Conservation, Materiality, Knowledge
UCL Department of History of Art
UCL History of Art, Materials and Technology programme | London
UG University of Glasgow Technical Art History
UvA University of Amsterdam Department of Conservation and Restoration